Andielle’s Op-Ed Weblog

February 18, 2008

A break from my break

In today’s forward focused, fast paced and outward searching society we rarely take the time to truly stop and do a life review.  To take a moment to turn from all that one is creating in the world is viewed with admiration when in truth it shouldn’t be.  Just as play and rest aren’t given their proper respect, reflection has become something that is done in times of dire necessity.  We must change this fore it is the only way we’re going to both continue in our evolution and provide the support needed for the new God Beings of the great shift.


One of the things I enjoy doing during retreats from the world is writing poetry.  At one time this great love of mines took me deep into the caverns of the music world during the era of the great late Tupac.  As time continued I understood that my love of sharing my deeper feelings, emotions and thoughts were to be done on a lengthier platform.  And although I do so enjoy the many benefits from the art of writing novels (the nurturing and developing stage of Divine Power Unleashed – follow up to Born with Power of the Divine– is supporting me during these final moments of transmutation) I must admit I do dive right back in to poetry when the lighting strikes.


Well, I have been told that I still have a little more time before I am to completely return to my place in the world but I wanted to sneak and share a poem that I wrote.  I hope you enjoy and if there are any questions or concerns . . . ask God while in prayer and (hopefully) reflection.



Medicine Woman


Do you see me?  The strength of God-Force that shines deep?

Just one glance and you can’t forget my smile, my laugh, my original wit

I use to get mad at those who couldn’t see that I am ‘real’

Thankfully, mercifully God strengthen my eyes . . . this flowed to my spine

Now I am confident and tall

Knowing I am Medicine Woman for all ya’ll


Do you see me? The energy of all that is life?

The negative, positive and changes which are deep

I stand connector between Heaven and Earth

I stand, cry, scream- sometimes in meditative concern

Now I share it all

Knowing I am Medicine Woman for all ya’ll


Never would of thunk?  Neither did I; so now what?

As we sit on the cusp of the Time of the End

I commune with God, Jesus, Angels and Saints my friends

And although I wish I bring nothing but good news

Your acts, government and beliefs has created something a little blue

Know this or watch this- I am Medicine Woman for all ya’ll


None see truly what I see . . . huh, I have to depend on the unseen others to breath

Turn not lightly from my face

For I already have my seat next to Jesus on Judgment Day

I came to earth at your request- see my birthmark, the holy cross, on my neck?

On my forehead nice and red is the seal of God- I’m forever in His hands

Medicine Woman . . . I know, I know!


Use to cry a lot wondering why once more I had to suffer this heavy dense

Pushed around, beaten down because of my ‘gifts’

But now in the years of the trinity I see that it was all because I am blessed in deed

So in these last days of solitude before I fully let the world know

I sit selfish and determined to grow and grow

Fore I am Medicine Woman . . . I know, I know!



Archangel Gabriel, please send words that shine light on the offspring of the watchers of this world as they enjoy their last days before being sent to the dark abyss. 

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