Andielle’s Op-Ed Weblog

December 14, 2007

Pride B. Greater-Sin

Man is known to perform many spiritual transgressions . . . after all, while in human temple we aren’t unblemished. Outside of our traits of disobedience and perjury there is only one other key ingredient of True Sin- Pride. Like Hope, Pride refuses to release its vise grip on all that is us; but unlike Pride, Hope want to destroy.

We were not born knowing Pride; therefore, he is no more than an acquaintance whom we meet once we’ve gained a sense of limitations. After forgetting that God still provides on earth as He did in the higher heavens, man finally becomes tolerant of the thought of separation and segregation. Pride knows this, especially since he is allies with Satan himself.

Pride will encourage you to break Commandments of God . . . laughing while you’re at it. Pride will make you place the love of money above all other loves . . . including mom. Pride will whisper sweet tales of rationalization for squeezing into places and positions which were not divinely designed for you. Pride is a jealous kinda fellow who desires that the beam in your eye remains put. Pride loves wars, battles, death, pain, confusion and fright. Pride is a strong component self-degradation!

Yet we wonder why our representatives care not about the global energetic pocketbook. Is it really a mystery why most of our celebrated film, stage and screen stars are trapped within their own perceptions? How did Pride gain entry into the church . . . that’s the long hand of the devil for yah. This man, Pride, has creep into our minds and convinced us to turn a blind eye to the least of us not caring at all if Jesus could be the woman standing at the bus stop in the freezing rain with five children.

But is it possible that Pride has talked us into believing the consequences of our own handling and guiding of souls is not our own? The other day I heard a story about a conversation between an elderly women and the bus driver. The woman confessed her bewilderment for the children of today and wondered why women today weren’t required to have a breeding license once a designated number of children was reached (they couldn’t agree on the specific amount) since this would guarantee that the feeble parenting skills of today would be eliminated. Do I really need to tell you that the bus driver agreed? The young healer that overheard this conversation told me that the entire exchange mad her physically sick since it’s the cycle not the people . . . man’s law not God’s which has brought about a hybrid . My words not hers.

If there is one thing that I wish I could break its Pride’s hold over the lost of love that our hygiene living, technological highways, banks of accumulation and rules of manipulation has created. Yet, once again if that thought is broken down then my actual desire would be to demolish man’s hold on our innate desire to bend the rules to satisfy our immediate want and the willingness to lie about it.

Archangel Zadkiel, please help us to release the pride which is nothing but a lack of compassion for the splinter that sits in the eye of another part of our self.

December 5, 2007

Today’s Pharisees . . . You see not your true reflection!

With a renaissance comes distinct development of esoteric thought- a fact that today’s Pharisees are glossing over or afraid of facing. Its entertaining how some forget where they came from once befriend by worldwide recognition. Many of us are sitting on the wall with our popcorn and sodas watching as traditional Christians refuse to acknowledge the great shift that is taking place- even with their histories, doctrines and let’s not forget educational institutions. As I twist my toothpick removing small kernels of corn from my teeth I wonder . . . is it fear of the true respond-ability that’s required of standing in your divine light or just a lax attitude from being snuggled so long in the safety of a state of apprenticeship that’s keeping many bright minds of the Christian enterprise from learning and using their divine power.


When I first started speaking my opinion on how to best deal with another while in social circles, I was amazed at the acceptance and application of my words. Having such a response encouraged me to eventually trust myself enough to tackle channeling The Tapestry Chronicles; with tears in my eyes I admit . . . traditional Christians found my trail of thought a little hard to swallow although not hard to follow or understand. Now that time has harden the foundation that is beneath me I ask . . . why are the mass majority of those whose job it is to lead the many who are spiritually unsubstantial and unsatisfied ignoring the words of esoteric wisdom? Why are they placing limits on GOD and telling HIM that HE will never need to create WORDS for a new way of being? Why are they confused at the fact that the churches are filled but the souls are lost? Most importantly, why are they reminding me more and more of the Pharisees whom swore that Jesus spoke words of blasphemy?


After 2000 years one would think that a Christian was comfortable enough with his/her own doctrine that engaging and exchanging with others could only supply answers which were not provided by the Holy Bible or canonized by the church. After 2000 years one would also think that a Christian living the WORDS of GOD wouldn’t be a puppet of the Materialist Magician. Not that all Christians of today are like this . . . most who aren’t usually come to a realization that they really belong on the sub-camp of Enlighten Christian Spirituality. Remember that Mary, mother of Jesus, belong to a group of such thinkers . . . they were called essences (sic) and after Jesus died there was a rouge group of His followers going by the name Gnostic.


I’ve learned a long time ago that my sword isn’t sharp enough to cut through the locks on the doors on the minds of traditional Christians . . . I love them, learn from them, enjoy them but never, never do I try to convince them to engage in the trail of thought that their could be more than what they think. Besides, usually the smart ones come around and the teacher that they truly need appears.


Jesus died due to the refusal of a belief that GOD keeps HIS WORD and does work through those who are outside of the status quo; after all . . . it doesn’t take a Christian to know how modern man views the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. So after an event that has been foretold by nearly all races and cultures and religions take place how will you- today’s Pharisees- be viewed by future generation . . . will you be an inspiration or a sad topic of religious humor?


Archangel Michael, I call on you once again asking that you give the courage needed in order to make life changes as well as to ask that you bring Archangel Uriel so that he will heal our emotions enabling us to be open to new experiences.

November 13, 2007

Amazing Grace released on DVD

Filed under: General Christianty,Movies,Warriors — andielle @ 3:59 pm
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The based on a true story movie, Amazing Grace is released on DVD today! When it was on the big screen I wasn’t blogging; so this event is a chance for me to rave about a film that needs to be seen by all those who are fighting the good fight.

Amazing Grace is one of those make you cry, make you think and make you wonder could you be the one to make a difference movies. The main character is fighting to stop slavery, remain true to himself and just be. The back characters are doing their best to aid him in anyway possible whether it’s meeting a woman, building a team, or giving motivation to keep fighting when illness strikes and all seems lost.

Outside of outer demons such as resistance from those who have no ideal why he’s fighting so hard; or inner sprites such as drug addiction, the main character faces the greatest struggle facing mankind today: how do we cut away the darkness of the whole to grow the light of our race?

If you are focused on being a strong individual in the whole and believe that you can learn best from the strong ones that came before then Amazing Grace is a movie to add to the collection!

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