Andielle’s Op-Ed Weblog

November 23, 2007

Family gatherings . . . What would Jesus Do?

Filed under: 2012,Reflection,Warriors — andielle @ 3:47 pm
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One of the infamous writers of scripture translation and explanation has a beautiful take on dealing with family in one his daily devotional books. Plainly put Max reminds us that the siblings of Jesus weren’t pleased with His mission of awakening and saving the people from their own demise so Jesus protected His energy from his earth family. The first time I read this entry I was in the place of needing support while committing myself to becoming a scribe and that’s the frame that I was looking at Max’s wisdom, now that the late holidays are here again and I’m well on my way to establishing my own distinct voice his true approach on the subject of family and energy is clearly understood.

One of the routines of appearance that accompanies the winter holidays in particular is deciding where family will gather- no matter the depth of animosity. Last year this annual ritual meant nothing to me . . . I was at the beginning stages of writing The Tapestry Chronicles: Born with Power of the Divine which was so demanding that I didn’t care to be around anyone but my son. This year things are different since the more we stand in our divine power the more self-respect we hold. Truth stands in a brighter light; your tongue becomes a stronger sword and your mind a thicker shield . . . so yes family obligations are viewed differently. This thanksgiving I used all three while asking myself what Jesus would do about being around people I really could do without.

Trust me; my earth family is no different than many – nearly all- of you reading this day after editorial

Before I got caught in the feeling that I had to make the rounds of this house and that house in order to please those who wanted to have me or my son near on a day that is dear to their heart, I stopped and went to sleep considering what would Jesus do? The answer came clear as the morning light; I would spend this day of thanks with my son and two special people that I’ve been spiritually guiding since June. The day turned out to be the best ever and well deserving of praise. Once again putting what’s best for me first provided the safety needed to enjoy the company others.

Who benefits when you go places where you will be attacked for assumed weakness? Why make a visit to someone’s home in order to make them feel loved and surrounded by many when under normal circumstance you wouldn’t spend time with any of the people there? Why do we set ourselves up to feel deflated at the end of the day? Why do we encounter and exchange energy with people that are less deserving based on their actions? Funny what we will do for family.

There used to be a time when the gathering of the whole was more important than the individual, but with the butchered family unit why put a band-aid on it? Maybe my opinion of spending all holidays with my earth family will change once the shift of spiritual awareness comes; but, until then I will not place myself in harms way nor surround myself with a bunch of people that I won’t see for another 330 days or so. Oh and while I’m at it I’m going to continue making certain that those who do come to a gathering of mines at least know each other’s name. Besides, when it comes to celebrating the holy days of today what would Jesus do?

           Archangel Sariel, please bring your energy to all who are concerned about the Christman gathering.


November 15, 2007

Could Divine Purpose Influence Favorite Holiday Selection

Filed under: Divine in Action,Uncategorized — andielle @ 7:20 pm
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 With the holidays upon us a question was presented to me that I think you, too, may find interesting.

Holidays- or Holy Days- have always held a special place in the hearts of men, each irreplaceable in its own manner . . . some more than others. But, if we consider individual Divine Purpose how would/could our sacred contract influence our choice of favorite holiday? This was the question.

Personally, Easter is my favorite . . . now consider that my divine purpose is focused evolution: everything I do or say is done so with deep thought and intention of cutting away that which no longer serves. Could my purpose have influenced my selection? Take this; my closest ally has the divine purpose of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the energy that she gives and carries at all times and Thanksgiving is her favorite. What about women who are nurturing and supportive of all who cross their path? Why is Mother’s Day their favorite?

We can elevate this question from a micro to a macro frame by looking at the fact that male energy is about expansion. Expansion and growth works best in heat! Is it by chance that Father’s Day is in June? Keeping with the expansion and domination theme why is it that Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day are all celebrated during summer months? And what about the winter . . . slow . . . down . . . months . . . are their holidays not about love, change and rebirth?

I left the question with this, let’s do more research. I received in return this question: How would religions fit in to this equation? Hum; that, I need to talk over with the angels for I am the first to admit that religions outside of Christianity are still a detailed unknown to me. Fact be told, I’m still learning the bible-KJV.

But my ignorance does not take away from the question; could divine purpose influence favorite holiday selection?


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