Andielle’s Op-Ed Weblog

January 17, 2008

Take Eddie Murphy for Instance.

Although Change and Evolution are first cousins they are not of the same nucleus unit.  Whereas Change is a constant circle of birth, death and rebirth; Evolution is a forward-moving linear line.  Eyes washed by divine blood easily determine that a lifetime is to change as a soul-existence is to evolution.  There is much truth in the old wives tale which states: Show me a boy at 20 and I’ll show you a man at 70.  We don’t alter we expand.


It was just after meditation when I heard it . . . Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds are filing for divorce.  Living by the Sound Words; I will speak neither of the divorce itself nor of the fact that Mrs. Edmonds was formerly married to a top musician/producer; instead I bring spotlight to the fact that after all these years Mr. Murphy’s decision making process hasn’t appeared to have evolved.  When the world was first introduced to the beautiful comedian with a golden smile and heartwarming laugh excitement was in the air.  With determination and development Mr. Murphy grew to command large audiences for his well received stand-up performances no matter his subject matter- speaking of his coming of age adventures with such tantalizing control that his listeners became paralyzed by laughter.


It was no secret fore we all knew that he had a wondering eye and an undying appetite for the flesh of women.  This is what placed him in a position where he manifested circumstances where he was best not seen granting the all important opportunity for serious life reflection and growth.  This was Mr. Murphy’s golden moment when everything that is us while on this Earth is deep in the moonlight and the shadows which block our change is truly seen in the brightest light.  I for one would think that this would be the case and after a stream of family movies I thought that it was.  The hopeless romantic am I.


Once the struggle was over and the gratitude of finally returning to Hollywood’s A-list released its last drop, Mr. Murphy reminded himself of who he truly is— a man that’s hungrier for the flesh than for the spirit.  A truth state that it is not during hard times that a man’s true character is displays but during times of harvest and as the tickets were sold and checks cashed slowly the Test of Will was upon him and he failed.  First there was the divorce from his wife, destroying an environment in which he could continue learning to trust and love then he was involved with Scary Spice and that created a life that he denied until the parental test proved otherwise.  Two major steps back toward the freedom to chase the flesh.


I believe that somewhere deep down Mr. Murphy understood this and in a classic performance of why only God can cleanse the hearts of men he decided to ‘hook-up’ with Mrs. Edmonds.  Without a true repentance he had no choice but to return to the darkness of desiring something that he can never obtain and since she still had healing to do (she said yes to his mess at some point before the ‘I do’) it was only a matter of time before this union was going to falter. Without the Hand of God he will always be what he’s always been a flesh chaser.


Maybe now that Mr. Murphy has gone through public prying of his life, situations that I know he would prefer to remain in the dark, multiple marriages, children born out of wedlock and even the kids that were conceived as the Word states are now without a father in the home.  Mr. Murphy has gone through cycles of change and still he has yet to evolve. 


But there is still tomorrow; especially if Jesus doesn’t drop by.  I hold hope in my heart that after this divorce Mr. Murphy will sit down with God and discover how to deal with his taste for the illusion thereby limiting the string of consequences to come with his innate weakness.


Archangel Daniel, please heal the heart of those who desire the touch of the flesh over the sight of the divine never to understand HIS meaning of a mate.

January 14, 2008

Eric Cline’s Raiders of the Faux Ark Returns!

Masculine energies have pushed mankind so hard with their inherent expansive nature that an organic spotlight is now centered on their nurturing feminine equalizers.  Could this energetic truth be reasoning behind male territorial divisions which are turning reverse current?  Has the previous ‘bread’ earner’s need to individually control items/tools/people originally blessed and created by God for the whole birthed our scarcity society that’s begging for more?  In order for continual evolution of thought to flow smoothly with the elevation of vibration that’s occurring here on earth we must display a true understanding of alchemy . . . especially in the field of scientific studies since research has aided in establishing limitations.


An editorial written by Eric H. Cline was published last year in the Boston Globe which states that true archaeologist, with true schooling and experience, must step up and save biblical archeology from the crackpot frauds.  Much of the article was written under the cloth of: I’m doing this in order to protect the helpless lay people who have yet gained the training needed to understand what is presented to them . . . its for the people that I say if you’re not one of me then you’re beneath me.  One of the things that I walked away with was a reinforcement of my belief that we have become so willing to pay for acceptance and acknowledgement that a college degree has declined in worth- think High School diploma 60 or so years ago.  But, Mr. Cline must understand that although his intention was to help poor biblical believers not get taken in what he did was force some believers who are in personal relationships with God raise their eyebrow.


From the moment that I started sharing with the hurt that needed comfort I’ve stated that the Holy Bible is a collection of stories with meanings that can/will help in navigating one’s way back home; therefore telling me that Noah’s story is one that has been ‘around’ or that recent discoveries can prove that some of the Book is historically accurate is a display of your misunderstanding of what takes place with me and the One True God.  Since we draw to us people and situations which mirror our inner beliefs then I can also state that the feelings of people who walk the journey with me -either for a season or lifetime- are similar to mines, so, Mr. Cline appears to deliver a questionable yet gentle attack on amateurs following their heart possibly bringing formation to prophetic words shared by angels over 10 years ago.


All true advancements have begun off the backs of amateurs that had nothing to lose but the peace of mind that comes from following that still small voice.  Once the task has been accomplished the final result is shared and passed on to those who do have the training needed to explain what love and faith discovered.  Again, Mr. Cline did acknowledge this fact but not enough to balance his argument; as a matter of fact he continues with reasoning (as only man can) for the reasoning behind the professional archeologist missing in the biblical action.  Snobbery, uncertainty and challenges to religious dogma.  I have an opinion of the those three first snobbery is nothing more that an extension of the belief that obeying the laws of man will grant righteousness; second uncertainty comes from a lack of intimate relationship with the Creator; and finally in today’s society one need not stray far to discover that the religious dogmas of yesterday and today are being challenged.


Still, with all that said there was light at the end of the tunnel for this article Mr. Cline does state in his conclusion that its not about taking the ball and going home but instead an oath to good science and as such the walls of us vs. them must be torn down by moving past comfort zone of published findings and stepping into the realm of TV, radio and internet. 


I’ve said it before things are changing and the norm is no longer so.  If there is nothing else gained from the communication that Mr. Cline shared one will walk away with another piece of the puzzle that will come into focus in 2012.


Angel Megadriel, I tank you for your 1997 message foretelling Mr. Cline’s awareness, circumstances and conclusions.     

December 9, 2007

Transmutation . . . What amazing grace.

Filed under: 2012,Divine in Action,Healing,New Age,Uncategorized — andielle @ 2:50 am
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As the Great Shift of 2012 blooms, are you noticing the wonderful transmutation taking place?  Shepherds are being blessed with the facilities needed to witness considerable numbers awakening to Divine’s true power . . . or at least sincere curiosity.  Those whom once laid in beds of demons and devils are now finding themselves in the Bible relearning scripture and experiencing modern day miracles.  Yet, this is not a testament of God’s ultimate Grace fore that privilege belongs to the true generals on the battlefield . . . those who quietly watch as another one learn how safe it is to maintain a personal one-on-one relationship with the Trinity.  It is one thing to undergo this journey of discovering that God does provide for your every earthly need, it is another to watch as someone else realizes it. 


Without the Law of Man looking over the shoulder of God’s Law, heavenly ordained leaders are there as Father sends Archangels Raphael and Uriel to heal generational pain. 


I have moved along in my divine purpose to the point that I’m starting to aid others making it through the rebirth process.  Out of all the phases an Enlighten Christian goes through in their spirituality, the awakening is the most fragile . . . it’s truly the only intersection of earthly and spiritual desires.  This is the purest moment when united mind, body and soul agree to turn away from the dark and give all faith within to the light- and all that’s within is the size of a mustard seed.   If the earth guide isn’t open enough too constantly and willingly take things step by step at God’s pace and check their ego at the door, malformation(s) can and most likely will develop.  That’s the reason why I was very adamant against the idea of becoming a life coach!  But with the influx of energetic change sweeping across our planet I’m seeing that even though this was wrong of me to not be open to healing people in such a manner it was right.


There’s nothing better than watching someone as they are experiencing an answer prayer and when you are the channel that God use in order to do so it becomes priceless. 


I think back to when I was stumbling during my first few steps of awakening, I was told that a good healer goes deep into the darkness in order to escort another into the light which is the Alpha and Omega.  Here it is years later and I see that this doctrine, like many others, is outmoded.  Coming to the light is different than ever before- finally the hard work of those who stood in the face of spiritual disbelief has taken roots deep down in man’s culture.  For best results, let’s continue to desire sharing the wisdom and knowledge available because times are ah changing and transmutation is ah making.  Divine Intervention is now awaked and she’s taking names.


Archangel Raphael, please, help us to regulate our breathing so we can release old patterns in order to receive those which sit on your wings as well as the wings of the Brotherhood of Angels and Men.


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