Andielle’s Op-Ed Weblog

January 23, 2008

Water . . . Sound . . . Mankind, its all connected

Maintaining balance while in the human temple is a most demanding task.  The Word states: that which is in Heaven shall manifest on Earth . . . our inner most secret feelings will/can create an environment that provides the safety needed in order to stand boldly in new truths and integrity.  Could this seed of information explain why those of us who work to maintain our connecting cord of light stumble but not fall?  One of the many ways of God which amuses me is HIS ability to make certain that those with ears and eyes receive the messages and signs needed in order to grow.


As I continue allowing the rebirth of myself, the author of the Newly Released (Christian) Fantasy Novel The Tapestry Chronicles, my firm knowledge on the dealings of entertainers whom help our fantasies spin round has been lessen of date.  Time for such luxury as the completion of all items on my To Do list is currently stretched but when God wants one to receive a message . . . well, whether in a desert, a village or living in Cincinnati, Ohio . . . the WORD will be delivered.  This has been the case for me this week as I’m finally spending less time in the ‘field’ helping others and more time in the ‘office’ helping myself.  I’m constantly hearing two words looping in my mind: water and sound.  Could the message be for me to remember that although I am to spend my existence freeing my soul this can not be accomplished without taking care of my temple?  Is God attempting to remind me that my chamber is made of mostly water- same as that of the oceans?  Or maybe the angels are relaying a reminder that musical sound is only an extension of the beating tone within?


Research has allowed such writers as Sol Luckman to properly explain the knowledge we need to unlock innate wisdom regarding the effects of water and sound on our miniature divine trinity.  And the effects of sound on our emotional health have already been established by our gullible scientific forefathers and foremothers.  Before we were concerned with what went down the rabbit’s hole we were asking What the Bleep?  I don’t know about you but truly I believe that with all this we still have not gained proper handling over these divine powers.  Not a day goes by when I don’t hear a tone in flowery words coming from a place of fear or that I pass someone on the streets who  flat-out present themselves as carriers of pain . . . and I understand that we are in the domain of Satan. 


Although God has promise to take care of fools and children, why are we blocked in such a manner that music is about sexual prowlers and financial slaves; not to mention the fact that we are creating choppy waves within with verbal assaults on each other?  What will it take to get enough people to assimilate the compassion needed to properly channel the gifts that come from true words of love as choruses which elevate and motivate?  Funny, I state this with the self knowledge that I’m in need of a vocabulary detox after recently returning to my private hermit’s shed.  Maybe that’s why the angels are constantly repeating in my ears the words water and sound.


Archangel Raphael, please, spread your green healing energies on me and my brethren on this domain known as Earth.       



December 2, 2007

Recipe for Answered Prayers . . . Tried and True.

It is one thing to stand in your beliefs; it’s another to stand in someone else’s. Society has provided the rationalization that if the individual can not prove a hypothesis then one has every right to proclaim it’s not trustworthy. Individuality not community determines our forward movement in regards to culture . . . dissociated unity. Is there any other explanation as to why there are floaters who believe that God does not answer prayers?


Another amazing thing about being here on earth is our ability to know the spiritual laws and regulations enabling us to make choices that are wise and evolutionary. The manner(s) in which we obtain these tools is irrelevant. We know that this planet is just an illusion of our thoughts . . . period. Receiving answered prayers shouldn’t be any different but you can ask many if they believe that God answers prayers and the response will be no. Now before my sisters and brothers who walk in the light begin to sermon on the issue, let’s look at the reason for such loneliness since the family already knows what God is capable of.


Nothing manifest over night and sadly many forget that even an answer from the Source takes time to develop. Still, even the most basic communication with God includes earthly benchmarks. First recognize that it has actually been turned over . . . even though it’s on your mind it doesn’t consume you and no more does your dialogue with Father include it. Second acknowledge when you can sit your behind still and wait; remember, the way of the true wizard demands that we allow the universe to deliver our request- Gandalf said it best “a wizard is neither late nor early he arrives exactly when he’s suppose too.” Lastly, notice when patience becomes the virtue that you’re walking with as this is the only way that we will remain attuned to the song/voice of the One. Upon seeing these signposts you are guaranteed to have your answer within weeks . . . months at the latest.


Enjoy the view and follow your instincts as getting there is- after all – most of the fun.


But know that when you state that you have never received an answer prayer from God you are stating that the splinter in your eye is so large that the beam in mines is non-existent . . . our secrets aren’t secrets after all. It takes courage to pronounce in a world that’s nearly composed entirely of Christians that God doesn’t hear you; without your honesty could people such as myself and others who will emerge in 2008 with a divine vengeance aid in the manifestation of the new.

As those who are remaining open continue stepping in alignment with the great shift, will a thought such as this editorial need to be spoken of outside of Spiritual History 201 class at a university in the year 2112? I believe not since receiving an answer prayer is nothing more than a tried and true recipe of one part letting go; one part obedience; and one part patience.


Angel Rubiel help all who will once more take a chance on our God by releasing the requests that are deep within their heart.



November 27, 2007

Insert spiritual lever here!

Filed under: 2012,Divine in Action,New Age,Reflection,Warriors — andielle @ 11:26 pm
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there a quote which brags if the speaker had a big enough lever he could move the world? Following that trail of thought and considering the sluggish behavior of man, expressly Americans, is 2012 the lever of consciousness? Everyone rebuke the organic egotistical development of our society; nobody is pleased with the exchange and buyer’s remorse runs rampant! But what if our current state is truly where we need to be in order to absorb and properly channel the coming bolt of lighting?

While visiting one of my writer’s networks today, I got triggered. It’s no secret to anyone that talks with me- the only desire of this old soul is to complete my scared contract of helping mankind establish itself in the higher vibration of the 4D. That and get my behind back home to the Heavens. So when I hear someone verbally express that their lethargy for maintaining a relationship with God causes them to express and contribute to society sarcastically . . . I get triggered. I’ve worked through much rage over my being on this planet once more all in order to sit here and share my “gift” with you . . . to not get triggered by ones blatant admission of laziness would show me that I’m neither aware nor awake.

The current anger that you hear in my voice and tone is not in any way directed to the individual that stood in his truth but instead at the fact that earthangels have so much work to do in such a little amount of time and writers are not stepping up to the plate. That’s where my true tears come from. When was the last time consumers demanded tools which would heal and not pamper? Why is it that we’re looking for leaders but not willing to change the status quo? Why are children expected to maintain like adults and adults like children? Why has the white cloud of God’s love been taken out of the schools, homes and churches? Well, before answers start rolling off the tongue let’s switch and instead think of the benefits.

Light is not appreciated until dark has lingered. The effect of the shift wouldn’t be severely felt if we as an entire race were already ‘being’ and not ‘trying’. We’re ‘stuck’ and as much as I once fought my re-assignment I’m glad I’m here; for the lever is being positioned and the world is about to be moved.

Archangel Adadiyah, come to our dreams and remind us how hard it once was to ‘be’ while on earth.

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